“It’s treason and it’s scandalous”: right-wing voters between opposition and dismay

Its treason and its scandalous right wing voters between opposition and

After the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, the political recomposition is leaving scars on the right. The boss of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, who wants an alliance with the National Rally for the early legislative elections, was excluded from the Republicans at the end of a political office. And the activists in all this? In Neuilly-sur-Seine, where people traditionally vote on the right, voters mainly reject the political alliance with the extreme right and sometimes even politics altogether.

He walks hurriedly, his sweater tied around his neck. Jean-Pierre, retired, has always voted for the Republicans. And when we talk about Eric Ciotti, the criticism bursts out: “ This guy has no value. What Eric Ciotti did is unspeakable and indeed deserves to be expelled from this party. “. All the tenors of the Republicans are opposed to this rapprochement.

A party long dominated by the tutelary figure of Nicolas Sarkozy. The former President of the Republic is also the former mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, a position he held from 1983 to 2002. The city remains today a bastion of a Republican and Gaullist right. So this rapprochement with the extreme right is a betrayal for François and Christine, who invoke history: “ Historically, the right has been against the RN, whether Jacques Chirac or Nicolas Sarkozy, François remembers. This is a transgression on the part ofEric Ciotti. It’s turning our back on what made the values ​​of the right at certain times. » Christine shifts into gear: “ For me, it is not the LR as I conceived it, as I experienced it. He completely broke a taboo! »

A taboo coupled with a personal, electoral initiative and without consultation of activists, continues Alain, whose vote has always swung between the center right and the right. ” HAS At the time, people like Bruno Le Maire or Gérald Darmanin got involved with Emmanuel Macron, which they had the right to do. I don’t see how that was a betrayal. On the other hand, to use the tool of which we are president in the wrong way, in the name of this organization, I find that it is treason and that it is scandalous! »

Read alsoEric Ciotti excluded from the Republican party after another day of crisis for the French right

What do you want us to do? »

In Neuilly-sur-Seine, in the European elections, it was the Republican candidate François-Xavier Bellamy who came in first with 28% of the votes. But the far right is on par if we add the score of the RN (12%) to that of Reconquest (16%). If an LR MP makes it to the second round of the legislative elections, all our interlocutors assure us: they will vote for this person. Divisions appear, however, if this same person is supported by the National Rally.

There are other moderate people with whom we can get along.”, estimates a resident. “ Voting for someone who is supported by a party I don’t like will be very difficultestimates another. What I hope is that I won’t have to make this choice. »

Sitting on a bench facing the town hall, Jean-Pierre does not completely close the door. “ It’s difficult, I can’t answer you, I don’t know, I’ll see over time depending on what I study. » This former Nicolas Sarkozy activist no longer recognizes the Republicans, “ in this party, everything is slipping away”, he judges. Above all, he considers himself lost in the political fog. “ I can’t place myself anywhere on the political spectrum. It’s going in all directions. Before, we had two parties, the left and the right, today that no longer exists, and we no longer know where we are. » And the retiree concludes by calling the political parties to their responsibilities. “ What do you want us to do? We are not to blame for all of this… »
