it’s this Sunday! Last minute gift ideas

its this Sunday Last minute gift ideas

GRANDMOTHER’S DAY 2023. Grandmother’s Day in France takes place every first Sunday of March. Here are some last-minute gift ideas to delight him, as well as insight into the origin of the date!

[Mis à jour le 4 mars 2023 à 08h35] It’s handy to remember: Grandmother’s Day invariably takes place on the first Sunday in March, several months before Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and more than six months before Grandfather’s Day. fathers! This year, it falls this Sunday, March 5, it is possible that you want to please your grandmother(s) but that you lack inspiration. On this special page, you will find last-minute gift ideas, from poems and cards to creative crafts.

The creation of Grandmothers’ Day dates back to 1987. Despite his origins 100% commercial (read below), this day remains a great opportunity to show that we love our grannies. Here is also in our page key information on the origins of Grandmother’s Day in France (via the summary above).

►In 2023, Grandmother’s Day takes place on Sunday March 5

The date of Grandmother’s Day is actually easy to remember: it is always fixed on the first Sunday of March. It therefore changes every year, of course, but with a little effort it can still be memorized fairly quickly. It nevertheless remains an unofficial celebration, although today widely spread in French society. There mothers’ Day is recognized by law and its date is fixed by the social action and family codewhich provides in particular that “each year, the French Republic officially pays tribute to mothers during a day dedicated to the celebration of ‘Mother’s Day'”. Grandfather’s Day, for its part, is celebrated every first Sunday of October.

If you want to offer a nice gift to your grandmother or that of your child, but you are sorely lacking in ideas, here is a range of possibilities in which you should find what you are looking for. On our page devoted to this date, we suggest that you, for example, write a poemto send a nice card or put you at DIY. Made with love, these little presents will have everything to please the heroine of the day. A bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates or a homemade cake are also excellent ideas. And if you live far away, a phone call or a simple text is always appreciated.

Even if the date is not the most remembered in the calendar, Grandmother’s Day remains D-Day to write a sweet note to your grandmother, or find her a small gift. If it’s too late to go shopping this Sunday, texting or even emailing your grandmother is still possible. Many sites put online text templates to inspire you to delight your grandmother or grandmothers with a poem, which will be very popular, for example, in the form of a card. This is the case of Modeling head for children, Thank-postmanof Cybermag.cybercardsfrom an article in MagwomenofIdeatextof Greeting texts… And if you want to quote a “real” poem, “Life has no age” by Jacques Prévert, you are right on time!

Photos, drawings, flowers or small hearts… On, we also offer many cards to program for Mother’s Day. Click on the link below to discover all our card models, select your favorite model, write a little note and in a minute or two it’s sent!

Send a card to your grandmother

mothers day cards

► Discover all our grandmother’s day cards

Do you or your child like to get hands-on? You can also opt for a DIY Sunday to please grandma. Here are some creative DIY ideas for Grandmother’s Day. This type of homemade gift can be particularly pleasing:

  • A bouquet of paper flowers (from 3 years old, see here)
  • A starry photo frame (from 5 years old, see here)
  • Heart-shaped pompoms (from 6 years old, see here)
  • A nice bookmark (from 3 years old, see here)
  • A colored salt dough candle holder (from 3 years old, see here)

Grandmother’s Day has no religious or historical origin. Finally, it is “almost” without historical origin: even if he did not establish it at the time, the emperor Napoleon would have had the idea according to historians. But the fate of this party will be quite different. It was finally created in 1987 on the initiative of Café Grand’ Mère, with the aim of promoting the famous brand which was then celebrating its 20th anniversary. In the field of celebrations devoted to them, Dad and Mum are older than grandpa and grandma: Mother’s Day was formalized in 1928, Father’s Day in 1952. Although the celebration of Grandmothers’ Day continues to being criticized in the 21st century for its commercial origins, it has won over some French people, who see it as an opportunity to pay tribute to their elders.

Grandfather’s Day takes place the first Sunday in October. If grandmothers have had their appointed day since 1987 and the fathers Day has been celebrated since the beginning of the 20th century, it is not the same for grandfathers. Grandfather’s Day has only existed in France since 2008. It is a resident of Haute-Savoie, Franck Izquierdo, who claims paternity. He would have embarked on this project thanks to a small inheritance left by his grandfather, in order to strengthen the link between generations, excluding any commercial aim. In order to balance the calendar, he chose the first Sunday of October as the date. In other countries such as the United States, Canada or Italy, both grandparents are celebrated together on the same day.
