It’s slowly rotting the brain! shortens life

Its slowly rotting the brain shortens life

It increases the risk of heart and circulation problems, diabetes, cancer and obesity. It is even said to reduce lifespan. Underneath all this harm are processed foods. The harm of processed foods to health is not limited to this. It also causes cognitive decline.


According to the results of a new study, people who consume processed foods have a 28 percent decrease in their cognitive abilities. The ability of those who consume processed foods to review information and make decisions is also negatively affected. It is necessary to give importance to a healthy diet so that the brain health is not adversely affected as we age.

Processed foods high in fat, sugar and salt cause inflammation in the body. Vegetable fibers play a key role in the intestines. A healthy diet is very important for both your physical and cognitive health.


Commonly consumed processed foods include instant soups, frozen pizzas and hamburgers. Experts state that no matter how busy you are, making and consuming home-cooked meals is of critical importance.
