Its sale was banned in France! After the ban, an iPhone 12 step came from Belgium

Its sale was banned in France After the ban an

On the day Apple introduced the iPhone 15 family, remarkable news about the iPhone 12 came from France. Jean-Noel Barrot, Minister of Digitalization and Telecommunications in France, announced that the sale of iPhone 12 model phones was banned in the country until further notice. In his statement on the X social media platform, Barrot stated that the sales of the iPhone 12 model phone were stopped in France until the US technology giant Apple brought an update.

ANFR, which controls the amount of electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices on people, announced that in the checks carried out on 141 phone models, it was determined that the iPhone 12 exceeded the amount of radiation allowed in Europe.

While in Europe, when a phone is kept in a pocket or in the hand, it is required to have a radiation amount of 4W/kg, it was revealed that this amount was 5.74 W/kg in the iPhone 12 model phone.


After the ban in France, an iPhone 12 step came from Belgium.

According to AA news, Belgium announced that the iPhone 12 model phone, which was discontinued in France, was being examined due to the amount of radiation it emits.

Mathieu Michel, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs for Digitalization, stated in his written statement that he asked the Belgian Institute of Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) to analyze the “potential danger” of the iPhone 12.

Stating that he wants all devices, especially the Apple group, to be examined on a certain schedule, Michel noted that he requested that the electromagnetic waves emitted by the devices be analyzed in accordance with the current European Union (EU) legislation and corrective measures be recommended.


According to Reuters news; Germany’s grid regulator BNetzA reiterated that the study in France could be a guide for the whole of Europe and that it would examine the issue for the German market if the process in France progresses sufficiently.

The Dutch digital monitoring agency also stated that it was examining the issue and would ask for an explanation from the US company, while emphasizing that there was “no acute security risk”.

The Italian Ministry of Industry announced that it is monitoring the situation but has not taken any steps for now.

England, where the iPhone 12 met radiation safety standards when it was launched, did not announce any plans after France’s decision.

In Spain, an organization called on the authorities to stop iPhone 12 sales in the country.


Apple, the manufacturer of the iPhone 12, objects to the findings, saying that the model released in 2020 has been approved by multiple international organizations to be compatible with radiation standards.
