It’s ruining your whole day, causing headaches! To get rid of the habit of clenching your teeth

Its ruining your whole day causing headaches To get rid

Clenching is one of the uncomfortable situations that people of all ages do. This behavior, which is mostly done unconsciously, can increase at times. Stating that clenching is a serious problem that can affect sleep and quality of life, Restorative Dentistry Specialist Dr. Instructor Member Kerem Can Işık said, “The habit of clenching the teeth in children and young patients usually goes away on their own. In adult patients with severe cases, the factors that may cause this habit should be eliminated first in the treatment.


Stating that clenching (bruxism) is a parafunctional habit defined as clenching or grinding while asleep and/or awake, Restorative Dentistry Specialist Dr. Instructor Member Kerem Can Işık gave briefings. Dr. Instructor Member Kerem Can Işık said, “Although the reasons are not known exactly, psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, anger, tension and dental factors such as tooth deficiency and malocclusion are thought to be effective. Patients complain of pain in the chewing muscles and jaw joint. These pains can also be seen in the form of headaches.


Regarding the problems that may arise as a result of clenching, Işık said, “Due to the stresses in severe clenching cases, pathological conditions such as abrasion, fracture, crack formation in teeth and oral restorations, as well as jaw joint problems (jaw locking, joint noise, joint pain). etc.) can be seen. At the same time, the patient may have a square face appearance due to the hypertrophy (growth) that occurs in these muscles due to the continuous operation of the masticatory muscles.

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Saying that dental examinations are the best way to identify bruxism, Dr. Instructor Member Kerem Can Işık said, “The habit of clenching the teeth in children and young patients usually goes away on their own. In adult patients with severe cases, the factors that may cause this habit should be eliminated first in the treatment. The patient can be referred to a professional therapist to eliminate psychological factors. It is recommended by the dentist to eliminate dental factors and to use night plaques specially designed for the patient. In addition, botox application applied to the chewing muscles can prevent these muscles from working excessively. Botox application is preferred to meet aesthetic expectations, especially in patients with a square face appearance.
