Its range includes Russia! Statement from the Pentagon on the missile system sent to Ukraine

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Colin Kahl, Undersecretary of Defense for Defense Policy of the US Department of Defense, announced that they have received assurances from the Kyiv administration that the HIMARS rocket systems they will provide to the Ukrainian army will be used only for defensive purposes and will not be used in attacks against Russian soil.

Kahl, in a statement to the press, shared the details of the $700 million military aid that US President Joe Biden will provide to the Ukrainian army.


In the list of weapons to be given to Ukraine, 4 HIMARS rocket systems and ammunition, 5 artillery detection radars, 2 air observation radars, 4 Mi-17 Soviet-made helicopters, 15 tactical vehicles, 1000 Javelin anti-tank missiles, 50 command launch units, 6 thousand Noting that armor-piercing ammunition and 15,000 howitzer shells were included, Kahl stated that they have provided 5.3 billion dollars of military aid to Ukraine with this package since Biden took office, and 4.6 billion dollars of this has been given since the start of the war.

Kahl stated that they had already deployed these systems to Europe, as they expected President Biden to approve the request for these systems.

Expressing that the training for HIMARS rocket systems will take a few weeks, Kahl argued that the HIMARS systems will provide the Ukrainian army with a certain degree of precision firing and the opportunity to repel the Russians from the Donbas region.


“We received assurances from the Ukrainians that they would only use these systems for defensive purposes,” Kahl said. said.

Answering a question on the subject, Kahl said that they received assurances from the Ukrainian administration that these weapons would not be used against Russian soil.

Kahl noted that this assurance issue was conveyed to all officials in the Ukrainian government, including President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and that they did not want to cause a situation that would bring Russia and the United States into confrontation.

Expressing that Russia has made some gains in the Donbas region, but this is not a big change, Kahl said that they expect these systems to reach the Ukrainian fronts at the appropriate time and hope that they will repel the Russians.

Kahl also claimed that Russia was far behind its plan in the Ukraine campaign. (AA)
