It’s poisoning without realizing it: Don’t put these 12 foods in the fridge! You will be surprised to hear

Its poisoning without realizing it Dont put these 12 foods

The refrigerator, which is a part of our daily home life, is one of the items that makes our life easier and keeps food fresh for a long time. Foods that should not be kept in the refrigerator can lead to poisoning without realizing it. It will be better for your health to store these 12 foods outside of the refrigerator.

Tomatoes stored in the refrigerator will lose both their flavor and texture in a short time. Moreover, we know that cold tomatoes are quite tasteless. Think of the tastiest tomatoes you’ve ever eaten, none of them cold. It is important to keep the tomatoes you store outside away from sunlight.


When you put your bread in the refrigerator so that it does not go stale, you will ensure that it goes stale and dry faster.



Potatoes become soft and moldy when refrigerated. Starch does not like cold. In order to preserve the texture and taste of the potato, you should store it in a cool environment, not cold.



When onions and garlic are refrigerated, they may lose their moisture and texture due to cold and dry air. You can store your onions and garlic in a cool and dark area. However, you can store the sliced ​​ones in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

onion garlic


Cold and humid environment spoils the structure and taste of chocolate. Chocolates should be stored in a cool place.



The cold and humidity of the refrigerator spoils the flavor of the coffee. Therefore, coffee should be stored in a glass jar and in a cool place.


Banana is one of the fruits that should be kept outside. If you notice that it has started to darken, you can put it in the refrigerator to prolong its life and use it in your smoothies.



If you want your avocados to ripen and taste better, you should keep them in a warm place, not in the refrigerator. To extend the life of your ripe avocado for a few more days, you can store it in the refrigerator.


Honey placed in the refrigerator will crystallize and become sugar. You can store your honey, whose mouth is tightly closed, at room temperature for a long time.



Storing tropical fruits such as coconut, pineapple and mango in the refrigerator may cause them to not mature enough.

tropical fruit


Ketchup, mustard or hot sauces should also be stored at room temperature. Thus, the high sugar, salt and vinegar content is preserved.

