its plan to hire 10,000 people by 2027 – L’Express

its plan to hire 10000 people by 2027 – LExpress

Electricians, project managers, big data engineers and even cyber analysts… Enedis needs you! The energy distributor, which details its new recruitment campaign this Monday, February 26, plans to hire 10,000 people by the end of 2027, including 2,800 this year, from CAP to Bac + 5. The group has thus increase its workforce by 25% in the next 3 years, with positions to be filled in all French regions. Electrification, a new engine of employment? Three lessons can be learned from this extraordinary recruitment.

First of all, France will emerge transformed from its energy transition. We already know that our country will have new nuclear reactors, as well as new very high voltage electrical lines… But this is only a small part of the future network. Last year, Enedis made 200,000 connections of renewable sources – mainly photovoltaics – to the network. And that’s just the beginning. “We will have to continue to support the needs of our customers, which also concern the ever-increasing number of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles,” explains Fabien Blanc, director of Transformations Emplois Compétences. At Enedis, employees are now talking about the second electrification of the country. This can be summed up in two figures, explains Fabien Blanc. “Today, electricity represents 25% of final energy consumption. In 2050, this share should rise to 55%.”

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Second lesson, France and its large companies must change quickly in terms of human resources. Is the fault of past immobility? At Enedis, we have been aware of the issue of new recruitment for a long time. These even started 2 years ago. “If we keep up the pace of 2022 and 2023, we should reach our objective of 10,000 positions,” maintains Fabien Blanc. However, some jobs are becoming difficult to find. This is the case, for example, for electricians, who are more accustomed to working for themselves than to working for the national network. Aware of the problem, last year Enedis set up special classes in around fifty vocational high schools, where 30% of the lessons focus on networks. This system should soon gain momentum. Could we have anticipated better? The press was already talking about a shortage of electricians… in 2006. Except that at the time, climate change was not really on the radar of the State and multinationals. This story recalls that of the nuclear industry, which is also faced with the difficulties linked to its late revival. With one difference: for Enedis, it is a question of hiring volume, not a loss of know-how.

Last lesson, in this new France which is taking shape, employees are taking power. To achieve its HR ambitions, Enedis rolls out the red carpet for its future employees. “We better value our social contract. For example, an agreement allows for up to 10 days of teleworking per month. Working hours also become more flexible in the morning. In addition, we work a lot on career plans: 30% of our technicians become supervisors after 10 years. And one manager in two was not when they joined the company. Finally, we invest a lot in training which represents 7% of the payroll.” explains Fabien Blanc. Enedis carries these elements even on social networks, in order to raise awareness among young people. “We need to re-enchant the profession of electrician,” summarizes the director. In its latest advertising spot, Enedis is therefore not looking for technicians but “acrobats, magicians, explorers”… Will the message get through? “We are giving ourselves the means,” assures Fabien Blanc. Bringing light into homes: the promise is not exempt from this famous “meaning” that the younger generation demands throughout their investigations.
