“It’s not something I want”

Frida Karlsson’s trainer is sought after.
A new rumor in Norway causes her to react strongly.
– It’s not something I want, she says.

Apart from Kristine Stavå’s Skistad’s successes in the sprint, it has been a bad winter for Norway’s ski ladies. After Therese Johaug’s retirement from the sport, Norway has had difficulty keeping up with Sweden and the other nations, and during the winter’s World Cup competitions they reached several lows.

The reputation in Norway

Last week, it was also announced that Norway’s women’s coach Stig Rune Kveen is quitting, and now Norway is starting a search to find a replacement. And that’s where Frida Karlsson comes into the picture. She has a personal trainer named Per Nilsson, who is also the national team coach for the German national team, and over the years Karlsson has promoted Per Nilsson as an absolute key behind her success.

Petter Skinstad, expert on Norwegian TV2, now highlights Per Nilsson as one of two names that would have been perfect to replace Kveen. The other one? Linn Svahn’s personal trainer Ola Ravald. Frida Karlsson immediately admits that she is a little worried.

– Yes, it had felt strange. I probably have to keep a tight grip on Per – there are many people who are struggling with him these days, says Karlsson to Expressen.

“It’s not something I want”

For the past season, Frida Karlsson has shared Per Nilsson with the German national team, which also led to her doing some training with that national team. However, she is not keen on a similar arrangement with Norway.

– Sharing him with Germany is okay, but sharing him with Norway… no, that’s probably not something I want. It would be something else, says Frida Karlsson.

240320 Frida Karlsson, Sollefteå Skis IF after the ladies’ 20 km freestyle during day 1 of the SM week on March 20, 2024 in Boden. Photo: Carl Sandin / BILDBYRÅN / code CS / CS0505

However, Per Nilsson tells Expressen that he has recently extended his contract with Germany, which makes a move to Norway difficult to resolve. Nor does Ola Ravald, who has done successful work with Linn Svahn, feel interested.

– I am very happy with the way I am right now. With my job, with my work with Linn and with the national biathlon team, he says.

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