It’s no longer like before: here is THE key to succeeding in life today, according to this psychologist

Its no longer like before here is THE key to

The expression “succeed in life” covers very different realities depending on the individual.

For a long time, “succeeding in life” came down to comply with societal norms. Understand, having a good financial situation, a harmonious relationship, beautiful children, social recognition. Now we know that being successful in life is not just about what you have.

Succeed in life or succeed in your life?

It is important to distinguish between “succeeding in life” and “succeeding in life”. Succeeding in life means finding fulfillment in the choices we make and which are specific to us, that is to say which are not dictated by society, by family, by those around us… in short , by what is expected of us. “Succeeding in life means understanding what we need, accepting what makes us happy, even if it’s out of the box, even if it’s unexpected, even if it’s not socially valued. To achieve the goal of succeeding in life, it is important to accept yourself as you are, to do everything you can to respect yourself enough and achieve what you accept that truly makes you happy. This requires trusting ourselves enough to pursue our own path.” informs Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist. Conversely, success in life is measured by our social success (money, work, clothing appearance…). However, can we say that we have succeeded in life when we earn a lot of money but are unhappy in our work?

To “succeed” in life, you must…

► Stay tuned to your intuition: Often, we tend not to listen to our instinct, that little inner voice that knows exactly what is good for us. In practice, in every situation where we have a bad feeling, we should not try to question our feelings. It’s the best way to figure out what you really need to be happy, even if it may not seem right socially.

► Change your perception of things: people who succeed in achieving their goals are not afraid to seize opportunities that come their way. They are not afraid of failure because opportunity is sometimes found in difficulties. For example, a layoff, as painful as it may be, can be a sign that life has something better in store for us. A more interesting position, the opportunity to retrain or change your life to be more in line with your values?

Determine what is important to you: the definition of success is unique to each person. For some, it is being successful in their professional life that is important. For others, it is succeeding in their relationship or family life that takes priority. For still others, success comes through freedom, the fact of not feeling obliged to fit into boxes that do not suit them. To succeed in life, it is above all essential to focus on what is important to us. and do everything possible to achieve this. For example, if you want to earn more money, you need to invest more in your work. If you want to have a harmonious family life, you will have to devote time to it. Finally, if you want to leave everything behind to go to the other side of the world, why not listen to yourself if that’s what you really want?
