It’s like a dystopia! Images from Shanghai terrified

Its like a dystopia Images from Shanghai terrified

In the horrifying images shared from the Shanghai region of China, it was seen that the children, who were seen as primary school age, entered the school with only their eyes visible in their protective clothes and masks.

Shanghai is struggling to contain the outbreak, with more than 20,000 cases of Covid-19 reported daily for at least 10 days. The region’s 26 million residents have been placed in an extremely strict quarantine for more than five weeks. Shanghai’s keen approach to dealing with Covid has severely impacted residents and sparked mass panic, anxiety and anger.




Many horrifying images were shared from the region. There are many chilling images of starving people looting markets, a healthcare worker beating a patient’s dog to death after the owner tested positive for Covid, Shanghai police packing dozens of live cats into bags to kill them, children being forcibly removed from their parents and put in cages.



Although diplomats from more than 30 countries wrote letters to the Chinese foreign ministry demanding an immediate end to the brutal policy, President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday that “prevention and control efforts cannot be relaxed” and the city has a long way to go before the measures are lifted.
