It’s Kindness Day. And that’s why you should be more often

Its Kindness Day And thats why you should be more

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    Place for sweetness and good humor today. November 3 is Kindness Day in France. The opportunity to revalue this sometimes mistreated value.

    Kindness is not a bad fault, nor a proof of weakness (we all know the mention “he is nice”, which is not flattering). On the contrary, it is a quality to be cultivated in order to live better together and enrich oneself with experiences by distributing good deeds around oneself. A little extra not insignificant: kindness is also good for the health, that of others as well as your own. So many reasons not to deprive yourself of it.

    Kindness is healthy

    This attitude of benevolence and mutual aid towards one’s family, professional or even strangers, does not only allow one to value oneself socially. Many studies on the subject have updated the positive effects on health:

    • Kindness reduces stress. The pleasure caused by a good deed would act directly on the rate of cortisol, the stress hormone by reducing its effects;
    • She also acts against depression. The simple act of helping another person and focusing on others can take your mind off things, but showing kindness would also result in a greater production of serotonina neurotransmitter known to fight depression;
    • She does lower blood pressure. Acts of kindness release a hormone known as oxytocin. Gold loxytocin causes the release of a chemical called nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure and therefore protects the heart;
    • Kindness simply makes us happier : In the brain, acts of kindness release powerful chemicals like oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, that improve our mood on a daily basis.

    Good in your body, good in your head!

    Kindness also makes us better

    Accumulating the good deeds around us is also a good idea to become a better version of yourself in a few gestures.

    • Kindness develop some intelligence in U.S. It is established today that altruism forms connections between the prefrontal cortex and other regions of the brain, related to compassion, which make us more intuitive and better able to feel the sufferings of the other. A quality more than necessary today;
    • She boosts self-esteem. This is a well-known theme of Jacques Lecomte, a psychologist specializing in positive psychology: by being nice, you also feed your self-esteem. We feel like a good person, unlike an egocentric individualist.

    With all these benefits, let’s hope the kindness lasts beyond 24 hours.

    Why November 3?

    Originally promulgated by the World Kindness Movement, an international organization, the idea of ​​a day dedicated to kindness was taken up in France in 2009 by Psychologies Magazine. The initial date of November 13, however, was changed in France and brought forward to November 3 a few years ago, due to the attacks that mourned the country on that date.
