It’s getting colder next week

Its getting colder next week

Published: Less than 40 minutes ago

The coming week will offer colder and more volatile weather.

SMHI’s on-duty meteorologist Mattias Lind is looking forward to it.

But even sun worshipers can get their fill – if you are at the right end of the country.

The coming week means nice weather news for people who appreciate rain showers and low temperatures.

One such person is Mattias Lind, meteorologist on duty at SMHI.

– I think all types of weather are interesting. It’s fun with a real low pressure.

Mattias Lind does not discriminate. He also likes sunny weather. But he states that there will not be much of that product during the five days that are approaching.

– It will be quite unstable, you have to say. In most of Sweden it will be scurvy and unstable weather and it will be a little cooler than it has been in recent days.

full screenNow comes a low pressure with rain and cold. Photo: Leif R Jansson / TT

The heat is likely to be delayed

Thus, no additional high summer heat is standing and stomping in the foyer. And it may be a while before the next heat wave pulls in over the country.

If you do not think that precipitation and low pressure are so fun, where should you go then?

– Do you like the combination of sun and heat when it continues to northern Norrland that applies. This is the area where there will be the least showers and the most sun. The warmest will probably be in Norrbotten.

Where will it be coldest and damn?

– There will be some showers from the west and above all Värmland, Dalarna and Härjedalen will be affected by this. It will hardly be 15 degrees there. And it will probably last for a while, says Mattias Lind.

Dry political party

What will happen to the politicians in Almedalen then? Do they go to meetings for a few wet days?

– Gotland in particular seems to be one of the drier areas. If you look at it overall, there is not much precipitation there.

Are you tagged for this week’s weather?

– As a meteorologist, I am always tagged before all weathers, says Mattias Lind.
