it’s for this weekend, we’re going to have to change the time!

its for this weekend were going to have to change

Changing time is a must every year for the French and some Europeans. The transition to winter time is scheduled for this Sunday, October 30.

The time change is scheduled for this Sunday, October 30. At 3 o’clock this Sunday morning, you have to set your watch back one hour and thus go to 2 o’clock. The French who do not want to get up in the middle of the night for this fateful moment therefore have the choice: delay their watch by one hour before going to bed this Saturday evening or move the hands back one hour when getting up this Sunday. morning.

This transition to winter time instituted in the 1970s is now ritual, but disputed. By setting back the time, the body will gain an hour of sleep, but in the long term, effects on the biological clock can be felt. While the transition to winter time is rather considered “a return to normal”, the transition to summer time, in the spring, can indeed generate stress and fatigue according to a Senate report.

Anti-time change associations

From this end of October, the body will also lose sunshine. As the days get shorter, the time change will accentuate the phenomenon. Night will indeed fall an hour earlier. A modification of the calendar which would promote blues, depression and depression according to its detractors. Initially aiming to save energy, the time change is therefore much decried.

The change of time would be responsible for a “chrono-break” according to several specialists, but also associations which have been campaigning for years against this “upheaval” which they consider useless economically and environmentally, but also harmful. These associations are called La Méridienne (for the adoption of the so-called “meridian” time) or even Non à l’heure d’été in France and Europe, an organization which has been fighting against the change of time since its establishment in 1976.
