It’s cold and rainy: here’s the best herbal tea to avoid getting sick in July

Its cold and rainy heres the best herbal tea to

Cold, sore throat… These symptoms are back!

Get out your autumn-winter plants and infusions. This beginning of July continues in the same vein as June with cool temperatures -15 degrees in places- rain and grayness. In short, autumn weather in the middle of summer. It’s hard on morale but also on the immune system. Many people are currently experiencing the unpleasant symptoms that we usually experience in November such as a runny nose and sore throat. Not to mention the air conditioning in “automatic” mode in some stores and offices which increases the risk of catching a cold. But the holidays are approaching! So to stay in shape and combat this ambient chill, there is an excellent remedy to take out of the cupboard…

Thyme herbal tea. The advantage is that you can find thyme all year round in the supermarket, in bulk or in sachets in the breakfast drinks section. Thyme is an essential medicinal plant. It has a large number of properties and can be used to treat various conditions: it is anti-infectious, antibacterial, stimulating, antitussive, antiseptic, depurative and anti-inflammatory. “It acts on many ENT and respiratory diseases (bronchitis, flu, editor’s note). It also has expectorant properties, very interesting in case of coughs, colds” Christelle Lassort, naturopath and alternative medicine therapist, explained to us in a previous article.

To use it in case of cold and/or sore throat (and to give yourself a boost), it’s very simple. Prepare yourself a herbal tea with a teaspoon of dried thyme leaves in 150 ml of simmering water. Let it infuse for 10 to 15 minutes and filter before drinking. You can also use its essential oil by inhalation if the nose is very blocked. Place 5 to 6 drops of thyme essential oil in a bowl of boiling water. Place your face covered with a towel over the bowl and inhale through the nose then exhale through the mouth for 5 to 10 minutes. To be done preferably in the evening (only for adults). Thyme (especially dehydrated) also has the advantage of being very rich in iron which participates in the formation of red blood cells and in vitamin K which participates in coagulation (to be avoided when you are on anticoagulant treatment).

Don’t hesitate to make yourself several thyme herbal teas during the day, they warm you up and will help you wait for the next few days. According to the forecasts of Meteo FranceWednesday will be the coolest day of the week. For the rest, “Temperatures could drop slightly again on Sunday, before a second week of July with a possibly more summery feel”. Still a lot of uncertainties then…
