Itchy mosquito bite: the immediate reflexes to know

Itchy mosquito bite the immediate reflexes to know

Most often benign, a mosquito bite can cause severe itching. Here’s what to do right away to calm her down effectively.

A mosquito bite is generally not serious but it causes inconveniences, in particular itching. Some reflexes can relieve the urge to scratch. Practical advice from Mathilde Sézérat, doctor of pharmacy.

1. Put lavender or peppermint on the bite

“The first reflex to have which is really effective on a mosquito bite is to apply a pure drop of essential oil of fine lavender (officinale) or aspic lavender (from 16 years old)” immediately indicates the doctor of pharmacy. It is soothing and calming. “It can apply to all members of the family when it is diluted in a dab of vegetable oilin infants from 3 months or 6 kilos and pregnant women from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy” emphasizes Mathilde Sézérat. You can also take fresh lavender, crumple it in your hands and apply it by rubbing on the bite to calm the itching. If the sting is persistent, you can apply several times a day essential oil of fine lavender or aspic, “in this case we dilute it with vegetable oil or a moisturizer” recommends our expert. “You can also putpeppermint essential oil for its anti-itching properties (it is reserved for adults)” adds our interlocutor. Mint or lavender floral waters also have soothing properties.

2. Put an ice cube on it

Another good tip forr “effectively relieve itching: slide an ice cube on it, that will calm the heat effect and inflammation. The floral waters to apply on the pimple can be kept in the fridge for a soothing cooling effect during application.” proposes Mathilde Sézérat.

3. Apply diluted Aloe Vera gel

If the pimple is not an open sore, you can apply aloe vera gel diluted in vegetable oil or cream moisturizing. It has healing, restorative and regenerating properties. “You should avoid applying pure aloe vera gel to the skin, unless it is punctual, because it risks drying out the skin in the long term” warns our expert.

4. Disinfect and apply a bandage

If you scratch your mosquito bite and it becomes an open sore, avoid essential oils. “Disinfect and put on a bandage to protectcontinues Mathilde Sézérat. We pay attention to sand and sea salt which can lead to a risk of infection of the wound if it is not disinfected correctly”.

5. Do not expose yourself to the sun

Exposure of a mosquito bite to the sun can slow healing and leave scars on the skin. “We always apply sunscreen on bites and waits at least one hour before going out in the sun after applying essential oil to the skin“ warns the pharmacist.

6. Take an antihistamine if you are allergic

“If you are allergic to mosquito bites, a antihistamine drug classic can reduce the allergic reaction or topical corticosteroid creams can be applied to reduce the intensity of the itching” indicates our interlocutor.

7. Apply vegetable oil for healing

If you scratched the pimple and there is a sore, we can put someCalendula or Arnica vegetable oil for healing. “These vegetable oils can be applied in children and pregnant women“ reassures our expert.

8. Buy a soothing cream at the pharmacy

If the itching persists, it is possible to go to a pharmacy and ask for soothing creams like Apaisyl®.

9. Avoid scratching

“Ideally, you should avoid scratching so as not to transform the mosquito pimple into an open wound.” recommends the Dr in pharmacy. If we apply the essential oil of lavender or peppermint within 30 minutes of the bite, the pimple almost disappears.
