Italy-Libya summit at Palazzo Chigi: focus on migrants. Eni-NOC agreement on emissions reduction

Italy Libya summit at Palazzo Chigi focus on migrants Eni NOC agreement

(Finance) – The Prime Minister, Georgia Melonsreceived today at Palazzo Chigi the Prime Minister of the Government of Libyan National Unity, Abdulhameed Mohamed Dabaiba and its delegation of ministers. The meeting was attended by the Vice Presidents of the Council of Ministers Anthony Tajani And Matteo Salvinithe Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi and the Minister for Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. “During the long and cordial meeting between the two, President Meloni underlined how the stabilization of Libya and its political framework is a priority for Italy, for national security and for energy diversification”, reads a note from Palazzo Chigi.

Among the topics at the center of the discussion, the economy, energy, infrastructure and the main sectors of cooperation between Italy and Libya which remains a strategic economic partner for Italy. Palazzo Chigi made it known that the two leaders also discussed the importance of holding elections Libyan presidential elections and parliamentarians as soon as possible, also with the mediation of the United Nations and UN Representative Bathily. In this sense, Italy will continue to work to ensure greater unity of purpose of the international community to guarantee the success of the mediation from the Nations Unite.

President Meloni also expressed his appreciation to Prime Minister Dabaiba for the efforts made by the Libyan authorities in the rescue operations at sea and in the containment of Departures irregular. However, the prime minister shared his views with the Libyan prime minister concerns ahead of the summer season. From this perspective, for Meloni it is essential to intensify efforts to combat the human trafficking. Italy remains determined to confirm its constant commitment to support the Libyan authorities, in the management of migratory flows and in assisting local communities through the projects of the Bottom Migrations.

The long and solid cooperation between the two nations in the course of the meeting was also highlighted sector energeticof both oil and gas, which also represents an important contribution to the stabilization and growth of Libya. Indeed, thanks to the Green Stream gas pipeline, Italy and Libya share a fundamental tool for promoting the process of diversification of energy supply sources. In the light of these prospects, an agreement was signed today between the CEO of ENI, Claudius Descalzi and the NOC extension (National Oil Corporation) on joint oil reduction initiatives emissions.

“According to the terms of the memorandum – reads a note from the Italian company -, Eni will work to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing gas flaring routine, fugitive emissions and del venting, as well as possible projects to reduce emissions from hard-to-abate sectors. In addition, new solutions will be evaluated for the development of energies renewable and initiatives for electricity efficiency in the country. Finally, work will be done on the identification of additional dai gas resources deposits exist, which can be developed as part of an integrated project for the internal market and possibly for export”.

During the meeting, Minister Piantedosi and his Libyan counterpart also signed a Declaration of Intent on the matter of strengthening cooperation in security matters and, in addition to the aforementioned ENI agreement, a memorandum of understanding was signed Between Telecom Sparkle and the Libyan Post and Telecommunications Authority with a view to the construction of an undersea data cable and finally an agreement on the construction of urban waste water treatment plants in Libya by the thermomechanical company of La Spezia.
