Italy in the grip of winter: snow and discomfort from north to south

Italy in the grip of winter snow and discomfort from

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Italy gripped in the freezing grip of winter: from North to South there are heavy snowfalls which are creating many inconveniences. In many Municipalities, in the most difficult areas, especially in Sardiniaschools are being closed.

With the lowering of temperatures it has arrived snow even at the gates of Rome, in particular to the Castelli Romani. Rocca di Papa, a municipality a few kilometers from the capital, woke up with whitewashed streets. The Municipality has activated all the precautionary measures with the Civil Protection present on site. “At the moment – communicates the administration – there have been no significant problems and all the main roads have been cleared and made passable in safety. The Municipality staff has been alerted and ready to intervene in case of need”. Some traffic problems due to ice on the roads have been recorded in the neighboring municipality of Rocca Priora. A few snowflakes have fallen here too. same situation in Albano, Velletri and in the municipalities that insist on the Castelli Romani. The snowfalls at high altitudes and in mountainous areas such as Terminillo were more abundant.

Top of Vesuvius covered in snow and temperatures in sharp decline is what the Neapolitans also found when they woke up, and with them the residents of the municipalities on the slopes of the volcano, as a result of the sharp drop in temperatures. The Civil Protection in Campania has issued an orange weather alert from 12 today until 8 on Saturday with possible storm surges along the coasts and snow above 400 meters.

Also Venice will once again have to deal with significant high water: this is why the implementation of the system was announced Moses, the sluice gates to defend the city. For 9.55, based on the forecasts of the tide center of the Municipality, a maximum of 115 centimeters is expected. Minimum temperatures: during the night it snowed even at hilly altitudes. In the mountains, including the pre-Alps, the avalanche danger is marked as ‘3’ on a scale up to ‘5’.
