Italy, consumer confidence rises in June and business confidence falls

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(Finance) – Istat reports that in June 2024 climate index consumer confidence rises from 96.4 to 98.3 (increases for the second consecutive month and reaches the highest value since February 2022), while the composite indicator of business confidence drops from 95.1 to 94.5 (shows the third consecutive decline, positioning itself at the lowest value since November 2023).

The positive evolution of the consumer confidence index reflects a general improvement in all its components: the economic climate and the future climate recorded the most marked increases, going from 101.9 to 105.3 and from 95.7 respectively. at 98.7; the personal climate rises from 94.4 to 95.8 and the current climate goes from 97.0 to 98.1.

In relation to businesses, confidence worsens in all sectors investigated with the exception of construction. In more detail, in the sector manufacturing the index decreases from 88.2 to 86.8, in services in the market drops from 97.8 to 97.1 and in the retail trade it drops from 102.8 to 102.2; going against the trend in construction, the confidence index rises from 101.7 to 104.4.

As regards the components of the confidence index, assessments on the manufacturing industry worsen orders and the stocks of finished products are judged to be accumulating; expectations on the level of production suffer a slight decrease. In the construction sector, however, both variables composing the indicator improve.

In market services there is a negative trend in opinions on orders while both opinions onbusiness performance both expectations on orders improve. With reference to retail trade, a worsening of both assessments and sales expectations is estimated; warehouse stocks are deemed to be in decumulation.
