Italy and Africa: at Luiss SoG training for new international relations and cooperation

Italy and Africa at Luiss SoG training for new international

(Finance) – The third edition of the has just endedExecutive First Level Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Developmentorganized by the Luiss School of Governmentwhich brought to Rome more than thirty diplomats, all under 40, from 19 African countries, selected from over 200 candidates. Among the nations represented: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Some of the participants are also international officials at the African Union.

After following a online lesson sessionstarting from July 1st, the young diplomats attended a training module in person at the Luiss campus, developed in collaboration with the United National Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Three weeks during which the professors of the Luiss School of Government, with the support of professionals of companies and institutions, held lessons on the great current and future diplomatic challenges, from cybersecurity to city diplomacy, from Artificial Intelligence to global food security. The study of these topics was also accompanied by leadership and negotiation courses.

The projectthe only one in the country, also included institutional visits to the offices of MAECI, ENI, Rome Airports and the Italian Football Federation and meetings with representatives of Confindustria Assoafrica and Mediterraneo.

The plan represents an opportunity for the development of relations between Italy and Africa, as well as for long-term networking. In fact, many of the participants of the previous editions of the study program are now employed by their country’s diplomatic representations in Italy and other countries, as well as by various international organizations.
