Italians, sustainable tourism and ecotourism: 77% consider the “Made in Italy” certification to be essential

Italians sustainable tourism and ecotourism 77 consider the Made in

(Finance) – On the occasion of the 45th World Tourism DayITA0039 | 100% Italian Taste Certification by Asacert participated as the only Report Partner in the presentation of the XIV Report “Italians, sustainable tourism and ecotourism”, created by Noto Sondaggi for the UniVerde Foundation and promoted by Coldiretti, Terranostra Campagna Amica and Fondazione Campagna. The report was presented during the “Piemonte EcoDigital” event promoted by the EcoDigital Network.

This year too, the theme of certification of “Made in Italy” authenticity is confirmed as central for almost 8 out of 10 Italians (77% of those interviewed) for whom it is essential that restaurateurs and producers Italians certify their products and services. Furthermore, the survey highlighted something new: as many as 30% of participants declared that they had discovered that a restaurant or product advertised as “Made in Italy” was not really so.

One of requests of the report focuses on the need for a certification for i Italian agri-food products present in restaurants abroad. 78% of those interviewed confirm the need to guarantee that our traditional products are truly Italian in their origin.

Regarding the importance of certification, 56% of respondents consider the mark “Made in Italy” an added value, while 25% even define it as fundamental?. This perception reflects how the quality and certified origin of Italian products are considered essential to protect and promote our food tradition, both in Italy and abroad.

In parallel, thediet plays an increasingly central role in the fight against climate change. The report reveals that a vast majority of Italians share the idea that choices food individuals can have a significant impact. 75% of those interviewed believe that changing their eating habits, preferring 0 km products and following the principles of the Mediterranean diet, is an important step in the battle against climate change?.

Furthermore, 65% of those interviewed continue to support the candidacy of Italian Cuisine as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity, demonstrating how important it is to preserve the authenticity of our traditions gastronomic.

“The authenticity of Italian products is a heritage to be protected, and ITA0039 by ASACERT is committed to guaranteeing, through a simple and transparent certification system, that the products served in Italian restaurants around the world are truly 100% Italian. From what can be seen from this latest survey, it is a thought also shared by the majority of Italians. We recognize the fundamental value of food in Italy’s cultural heritage, a deep connection with our history, traditions and local economies. Thanks to carefully selected criteria and a rigorous technical approach, we certify an authentic and complete experience, which includes products, menus, service and valorization of the territory” – the comment of Fabrizio CapaccioliCEO of Asacert and creator of the ITA0039 protocol.

All the restaurants Italians around the world have the opportunity to request certification and make a difference in the global Italian restaurant scene, distinguishing themselves with certificationITA0039 | 100% Italian Taste Certification
