Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi is resigning – new elections are likely to be held in the fall

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The president asked the prime minister and the government to continue as the managing ministry until the next government. The resignation of the Italian prime minister will most probably bring the Italian elections ahead of time.

Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi the president of Italy submitted his resignation on Thursday For Sergio Mattarella, who accepted the Prime Minister’s resignation. Draghi’s resignation also means the fall of the Italian government.

The president asked the prime minister and the government to continue as the managing ministry until the next government is assembled.

Draghi’s resignation and the fall of the government are predicted to eventually lead to new elections, which would possibly be held in September-October. Parliamentary elections were supposed to be held in Italy at the beginning of next year, but Draghi’s resignation will probably bring the elections earlier.

There is still no more detailed information about possible new elections, but the president has announced that he will meet with the speakers of the upper and lower houses of the Italian Parliament on Thursday afternoon.

The Italians interviewed by the news agency Reuters have been worried and disappointed by the resignation of the prime minister.

– Now was not the right moment for a government crisis. This was supposed to be the moment we stood up, said Antonella Tondo In Rome for Reuters.

The prime minister tried to resign for the first time already a week ago

Draghi already tried to resign a week ago, when the populist party Five Star Movement refused to support the economic package pushed by the prime minister. The economic package would have aimed to help the country and its citizens cope with inflation and rising energy costs. At that time, however, the president rejected the resignation of the prime minister. In the president’s press release, Draghi was then urged to come back to find out if he can still get the majority of the parliament behind him.

However, Draghi did not get a legal majority for his government coalition in the vote of confidence in the senate of the upper house of the Italian Parliament yesterday, when three parties did not participate in the vote.

Mario Draghi, the former head of the European Central Bank, has been a popular person in Italy, he characterizes BBC. (you switch to another service) In the story, it was estimated in June that Draghi’s leadership has had a calming effect on the market.
