ITA-Lufthansa, wedding eve focused on closing details

At the A4E Summit in Brussels back and forth between

(Telestock) – Ita and Lufthansa they are preparing to experience the eve of the wedding, set for July 3one day in advance of the deadline indicated by the European Commission. The hours preceding the date indicated for the formalization of the agreement are dedicated to fine-tuning all the Closing details.

The agreement provides, not immediately but presumably between the end of October and the beginning of November, the acquisition of 41% of the capital of Ita on the part of Lufthansa, which will progressively rise in altitude of participation up to investing a total of 829 million euros by 2033 to gain control of the company.

The European Commission’s approval has led to the Give up a slot package at Milan Linate airportquantified approximately between 15 and 17 slots departing and as many arriving.

Among the most aggressive competitors to take over a part of it there is easyJet. As regards the long-haul, operated from Rome Fiumicino, the discussion concerns the routes to North America (i.e. the destinations of Chicago, Washington, San Francisco and Toronto), which other European airlines will be able to cover by making a stopover at their respective hubs of origin, ensuring that the flight lasts no longer than a direct flight and that the ticket price is more advantageous.
