ITA-Lufthansa: Giorgetti bets on the wedding

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(Finance) – On the “long-awaited wedding” between Ita and Lufthansa, “anything can happen… but today in Cremona, at this moment at 4.06pm, I think we will get married, but anything can happen... The bride and witnesses are summoned, but the Don Abbondio of the situation may not even show up.” Thus the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettiinterviewed on the sidelines of the meeting with the Cremona Industrial Association.

“In recent days we have still worked very intensely, hard. Let’s say that the date is set, spouses and witnesses are summoned”, he continued.

To those who asked him how much the correction in public finances could amount to in light of the infringement procedure, the owner of the Treasury replied as follows: “We are obviously waiting for the indications that arrive from the European Commission, we have done various scenarios and therefore we are ready for any type of eventuality. So, with a great sense of responsibility, we will do the right things.”

“I am an incurable optimist and realistand therefore I don’t imagine the worst case scenario”, he continued. “It is no coincidence, in fact, that Italy is doing better economically than others and this He can help us out somehow.”

“There infringement procedure – underlined Giorgetti – was born by virtue of the old pact, which provided that the countries that were above the 3% go to infringement proceedings. The new Pact has nothing to do with it.”
