(Finance) – According to rumors, theoffer received by MSC-Lufthansa for ITA Airways would wander between 800 and 850 millionless than the one billion euro hypothesized a month ago and than expected at the beginning of 2022, when there was talk of an intervention between 1.2 and 1.4 million.
L’offer was made for 80% of ITA Airways. It is not known, however, theoffer fielded by Certaresthe US private equity fund that has expressed interest in the privatization of the airline initiated by the MEF, the current sole shareholder of ITA.
Now the ball passes to the advisors appointed by the Treasury, Equity And Gianni & Origoni, who will have to send their evaluations on the offers received to Palazzo Chigi. In addition to the economic offer and the related industrial plan, the governance proposal also weighs.