Ita Airways, unions ask for wage increases: confrontation with the company is not going well

Ita Airways unions ask for wage increases confrontation with the

(Finance) – Today in Fiumicino there was a I find between the tops of Ita Airways hey trade unions for a salary comparison. In fact, the increase in the salaries of Ita employees is being discussed. For the trade unions, the start-up phase is over and therefore it is now necessary to “adapt” wages to the European market. “After a few months of negotiations, we believe that the time has come to once again provide Ita Airways staff, both air and ground, with adequate salary levels at the end of this start-up phase of the company and therefore in line with the national collective labor agreement and in line with the market”, explained Tonino Muscolo, national coordinator of Uiltrasporti pilots before the Ita Airways-union meeting at the company’s headquarters in Fiumicino.

The meeting between Ita Airways and the trade unions on the subject of increases in the salaries of the company’s employees “is not going well and we as unions will be ready to take all the necessary actions towards the company”, however the national secretary said of Filt CGIL, Fabrizio Cuscito, on Sky Tg24 Economia, underlining that salaries in Ita “are among the lowest in Europe”. Cuscito specified that “we are not starting with the intention of declaring strikes or states of unrest”.

“Today the economic conditions of ITA and the operating conditions have changed and therefore there is a need on the part of the workers to have salaries that are recognized in the average of what happens in European companies. We demand a rise in salaries”, he added Cushioned. “Unfortunately this coincides with the situation of Lufthansa, but not because of us but because of the delay in the procedure that was started last year with respect to the acquisition of a partner and therefore there could be some unrest in the coming weeks which, although not related to the procedure that is coming to life, they are however closely connected”, explained the union leader”. “There is this enormous issue of wages and I do not foresee anything good in the coming weeks”, concluded Cuscito.
