ITA Airways, resigning directors pressing on Giorgetti

ITA Airways expresses interest in operating for one year to

(Finance) – The six Ita Airways directors who presented the resignation, contrary to the president Alfredo Altavilla, they sent a letter to the new Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, with the request to finally make the step back from the airline board to the center of the delicate sales process by the sole shareholder, the Mef, effective.

In the letter they write that “the March 29, they submitted their resignations from office “athe previous government “due to the serious difficulties and tensions that have arisen in the sphere of corporate governance, which have made it difficult to carry out the same position in a peaceful manner”.

But “not having been replaced, they remained in office, continuing with the utmost commitment in the effort to protect the interests of the Company and of the Shareholder”, that is the Mef. But now “they consider it indispensable and urgent that the Member himself proceed to accept his resignationi, and to replacement.

From the moment of his resignation, now seven months ago, the relations between the resigning directors and President Altavilla have, in fact, been completely broken. In the meantime, the path that will lead to the privatization of I remains to be definedTA Airways also in view of the shareholders’ meeting called for November 8, in first call, and on November 11 in second call. In parallel. the disbursement of 400 million euros is expected by the end of November, a loan already approved by the European Commission, to be followed by another 250 in 2023. The chapter relating to these two disbursements is reason for the dispute in the ongoing negotiations for the privatization of the airline, still 100% of the Ministry of Economy. In fact, the game has reopened in the past few hours with MSC-Lufthansa returning to the track.
