It will be rainy and cold here at Easter – according to SMHI’s forecast

It will be rainy and cold here at Easter

Temperatures will slowly but surely rise in the days leading up to Easter, culminating on Easter Eve, according to the forecast.

— We have slightly warmer air that starts to move in from the south already during Wednesday. It spreads over large parts of the country, except in the far north where it will continue to be cold, says Stina Karlsson, meteorologist at SMHI.

In Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, 10-12 degrees are expected on Saturday, while the temperatures will gradually fall up the country with zero degrees in Skellefteå and Luleå.

However, it doesn’t look like it will be very sunny.

There may be some showers

The next few days may also offer some showers.

“It’s still low-pressure traffic and a bit unstable, with an area of ​​precipitation passing over the weekend,” says Karlsson.

The heat looks like it will be short-lived, already on Boxing Day the temperatures will drop again and bottom out in the middle of the week, according to SMHI.

— The forecast is still uncertain for next week, but it is colder air moving in with a high-pressure ridge that pushes down colder air from the north that looks like it will spread down south across the country after the Easter weekend, says Karlsson.
