It wasn’t his idea at all

YouTuber James “MrBeast” Donaldson is the biggest YouTuber in the world, but the 25-year-old has found a way to grow even more in 2023: his channel has been on the rise since December 2022. Now he has even broken the barrier of 2 billion views per month. The crucial step was to translate his videos into 12 languages.

What’s the trick?

  • In July 2021, MrBeast began opening new YouTube channels, translating the content from his main English-language channel into other languages. He founded a company for this.
  • However, in December 2022, he stopped doing this and decided to offer multilingual tracks on his YouTube channel: the translations are now included in the original video.
  • Supported languages ​​include: Arabic, Bengali, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese (via mrbeast.fandom).
  • His YouTube career wasn’t quite as strong as MrBeast’s:

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    From 300 million views per month it goes up to 2 billion

    What impact does this have? With the old system, MrBeast was already huge: he consistently received views in the range of 300 to 600 million views per month. For any other YouTuber that would be huge.

    Since switching to the new model, his channel has expanded into entire spheres:

    Now it has at least 940 million viewers per month, and in the peak month of September there were even 2 billion views.

    Subscriptions have also increased significantly and are now at 193 million.

    MrBeast has made a virtue out of necessity

    How is this discussed?? The huge increase in MrBeast is being discussed on reddit:

  • One person said he was amazed that the channel continued to grow. He thought the channel would peak in 2022 – after all, his Squid Game video was considered legendary at the end of 2021.
  • A second user raves: It was simply a brilliant decision by MrBeast to translate the channel into different languages.
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  • A third user says: MrBeast is forced to do this. If he didn’t offer translations, people would simply steal his content and translate it themselves. That was a huge target group that was slipping through his fingers.
  • YouTube used MrBeast as a guinea pig

    This is what YouTube itself says about it: In a blog post in February 2023, YouTube even used MrBeast as an example of why they made this change. He and a small number of creators were asked to test the new feature in 2022 and he translated his videos into 11 languages ​​(via

    It was found that the creators were able to increase their reach by 15%. The function was then opened to more users in February 2023.

    MrBeast seems to have increased his views not just by 15% with the new method, but by more than 300% – and that was apparently not MrBeast’s brilliant idea, but YouTube’s.

    More about MrBeast:

    “He ruined YouTube”: Gaming YouTuber sharply attacks MrBeast in 43-second clip
