It was unexpected, the surprise solar flare stunned the whole world! hit Australia and New Zealand

It was unexpected the surprise solar flare stunned the whole

From time to time, your eyes are caught by the news of solar flares. The Sun, which has existed for billions of years, scatters high radiation into space with these explosions. In general, these explosions do not create such a big impact that they affect the entire Earth. But if the explosions are too intense, that’s when things change. The emitted radiation can disrupt radio communications on Earth. Experienced examples of this exist in the past. That’s why solar flares are watched closely. While the claims that there will be solar flares that may cause internet outages and damage the electricity grids in the future cause enough concern, according to a report, an unexpected solar flare occurred and this surprise explosion shocked the whole world!


A surprise solar flare hit the Earth, causing blackouts in radio communications in Australia and New Zealand, according to the news of the science news site Live Science. The report said the surprise solar flare caused a temporary interruption of radio communications in parts of Australia and the whole of New Zealand.

It was reported that the M5 class medium-sized solar flare occurred from the sunspot AR3141 on Sunday, November 6th.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) classifies solar flares into five categories (A, B, CM, and X) based on the intensity of the X-rays they emit. Each level has 10 times the intensity of the previous one.


According to the report, the solar flare in question occurred unexpectedly and stunned scientists. SpaceWeatherLive, the site that monitors solar activities, stated that the explosion was unexpected and shared an apology on Twitter.

The site said in its post, “Sorry, there was no warning for this event. The explosion was impulsive.”
