The time payment calendar is completely turned upside down this year.
This is a very bad news that looks. Usually, the payment of aid to the most modest is settled, throughout the year, according to a very specific calendar. But this year, more than 5 million French people will have to wait much more than usual to receive a check up to 277 euros. Information, so far under radars, has been confirmed to by the Ministry of Economy.
If the price of electricity has decreased since February for 80% of French people, the fact remains that it is an invoice that weighs heavy in the budget, just like that of gas. Not to mention that part of the households saw its note increase, both for electricity and gas.
To help the poorest to settle their charges, the State has implemented the famous energy check since 2019. This aid, granted according to income, is generally paid in April. This year, it will not be. The calendar will be completely turned upside down.
Bercy has indeed announced that money would arrive much later than usual. “With the disappearance of the housing tax on the main residences, it is no longer possible to establish the list of beneficiaries of the energy check according to the old criteria and new ones must be established”, explains the ministry, who wishes to keep the automaticity of the shipment.
Consequence: new criteria are taken into account, based on certain data available to the Treasury, crossed with that of electricity and Enedis suppliers. However, this new calculation was only acted by the late promulgation of the 2025 budget on February 14. Their technical implementation requiring time, the date of sending the energy check is therefore repelled by several months.
“The calendar must be offset in the second half of 2025”, announces – the Ministry of the Economy, without indicating specific dates. Concretely, it is not before next July that the 5.5 million beneficiaries of this aid will receive it. If the same stagger that in previous years is taken up, the shipments will then be made until mid-August, depending on the departments. Bercy must soon specify the exact calendar.
In addition, if eligible people do not receive it, a new complaint platform will be put online and a request by mail may also be made.