It was there: NBA star Stephen Curry Donk for the last time-announced that he would “retire” trick | In a brief sport

It was there NBA star Stephen Curry Donk for the

Basketball NBA Stophen Curry stops dating after one successful performance.

Nap Stephen CurrY surprised all the basketball friends by donating for the first time in six years in the Golden State Warriors game against Philadelphia 76ers early on Sunday morning.

The 188-centimeter curry made it from a good feed alone to the basket and flashed one hand donk. It was his first donk since 2019.

After the game, Curry, who soon turns 37, announced that he would “retire” to donate.

The backman Curry scored 29 points in the match and scored 13 assists. Golden State lost the fight between 119 and 126.

A four-time NBA champion and a series of all-time, three-point thrower in the series announced that he would never do it again.

– I’ve been pretty good lately, even though I have had problems with my knees throughout the season.

– Now I picked the cherry when it once had a chance. Here and now, I announce that it was my last donk you see in games, Curry proclaimed.

Warriors assistant coach Jerry Stackhouse had been tempted by Curry in his lack of his donuts in the pre -match morning thrower. After his donk, Curry pointed to Stackhouse on the bench.

– It was just that single joke comment, but when it happened in the game, the feeling was pretty awesome, the curry chuckled after the game.

According to Curry, it is worthwhile to record the act on social media, as her last donkin has now been seen.

In the same situation, he will always settle for his Lay Up throw.
