It was ruining TV4’s plan with Bonde-Ellinor

It was ruining TV4s plan with Bonde Ellinor

Ellinor Eke-Göransson, 30, stepped into TV Sweden’s heart in 2021 when she was one of the letter writers in Bonde sörker fru. The one she applied to was Philip Nilsson and already on the speed dating, the TV4 viewers thought that you could quickly clearly see a chemistry between the profiles.

However, it all ended unexpectedly with Filip choosing another letter writer (Elin). But during the trip together, Filip was absent. He regretted his choice.

READ MORE: Therefore, TV4 makes a big exception for Bonde-Ellinor

When Linda Lindorff a few months later visited the farm, Elin was not there. But Filip, he was not alone.

Ellinor Eke-Göransson, who had moved in at the time, remained at the farm.

When TV4 visited the farm, Ellinor Eke-Göransson was there. Image source: TV4

– Here I am, said Ellinor happily.

– But what, do you live here, Linda asked in shock.

– Yes, I have moved in, Ellinor told me.

On Instagram, viewers could continue to follow the couple’s everyday life on the farm with cozy dinners and cuddles with the animals. But one day a depressing news arrived.

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Ellinor and Filip had broken up.

“Filip and I are no longer a couple. The past year has been one of the best in my entire life. At the same time, it has caused more pain and sorrow than I could ever imagine. I will never regret that I dared to give my whole heart to something I thought would be forever. I left my life to bet everything on love, even if it once again left my heart in a thousand pieces,” she wrote on Instagram at the time.

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Farmer looking for wife Ellinor withdrew. Image source: TV4

But in the time since, Ellinor has not kept her mouth shut but, to say the least, has landed on her feet.

She has worked with both television and journalism and found herself back. Therefore, it came as a pleasant surprise to the TV4 viewers that she will now appear in Bonde seeks a wife again – but this time as a farmer.

But the whole thing might as well not have happened.

Ellinor about TV4’s offer: “I thought at first…”

During a question and answer session, Ellinor tells how she got the offer in the first place.

“I’m not a farmer but grew up in the countryside and see myself as a farmer. That, together with the great commitment you’ve shown to me to find the right way, has made me one of this year’s participants. I understand if it’s a bit confusing, but I hope this answer makes a little more sense,” she wrote at the time.

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She had then had to think for several weeks as she wasn’t quite sure if she wanted to join.

Ellinor Eke-Göransson will appear on TV4 during the autumn. Image source: ellinorekegoransson/Instagram

“Actually got the question already when I was away in the Philippines when we filmed Robinson last spring. At first I was very shocked and flattered to be asked. Then also a little thoughtful and scared. It’s a big thing, so you have to be sure” , she writes she continues:

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“I had a few weeks to think back and forth. I talked a lot with loved ones before I decided that we should drive. Ever since then it has felt like a very good and exciting decision,” she concludes.

