It was completely unexpectedly continued 16 years later

It was completely unexpectedly continued 16 years later

With Unbreakable, Bruce Willis delivered one of his best acting performances and director M. Night Shyamalan delivered one of his best films. Long before the MCU or the more recent Batman films, the prototype of the vulnerable, doubting superhero was shown here. 16 years later there was even a sequel and you can now watch part one on TV.

What is Unbreakable about?

The story no longer sounds as original as it did in 2000: David Dunn (Bruce Willis) is a completely average citizen and nobody, an everyday person. However He is the only one to survive a very serious train accident, in which everyone else involved dies, over 130 people. Only David Dunn didn’t get a single scratch.

This not only confuses him, but makes him suspicious. Especially because he gradually notices strange changes in himself and is brought to the funnel by Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson), A superhero to be. Elijah is somewhat the opposite of Bruce Willis’ character and suffers from brittle bone disease.

Buena Vista

In Unbreakable, Bruce Willis becomes an unwilling superhero.

The special thing about the story is that David Dunn doesn’t want to be special at all. He suffers from his superpowers and actually wants nothing more than to be a nobody and not stand out from the crowd. However, his powers prevent him from having a normal life, which causes the hero to have serious problems despite himself.

16 years later, a sequel came unexpectedly, interweaving another film with Unbreakable

Unbreakable – Unbreakable takes Bruce Willis to the extreme as an approachable everyday hero and breaks the image of radiant comic heroes in a successful way. We weren’t used to such a realistic approach to superpowers in the cinema in the early 2000s. We also owe Robert Pattinson’s Batman or suffering MCU heroes to this preparatory work.

16 years after its release, M. Night Shyamalan, Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson even released a sequel. It’s called Glass and is also unusual because it not only a sequel to Unbreakable, but also a sequel to Split is.

Both films are brought together in Glass and Bruce Willis as well as Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy) and his 24 personalities have to deal with the supervillain Mr. Glass again. The grand finale doesn’t quite come close to Unbreakable for most fans, but it brings the story to a successful conclusion.

TV or stream: When and where does Unbreakable come?

ProSieben MAXX shows Unbreakable tonight at 8:40 p.m. A rerun airs at 3:35 a.m. the same night.

But you can watch the film with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson also on Disney Plus with a subscription see. In addition, Unbreakable can be bought or rented online from Magenta TV, Amazon Prime, Maxdome and Google Play.

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