It was announced that there are 21.7 million active X users in Turkey

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According to the X Türkiye account, which was reactivated today, there are 21.7 million active X users in Turkey. announced.

Today, the first message after 2022 came from the official Turkey account of X, who officially appointed a representative to Turkey, and in that message, “Hello Türkiye! Its been a long time since we met! Stay tuned for exciting updates and features.” It was said. The new post immediately after this was as follows: “Türkiye is indispensable for the X community with 21.7 million active users.” When the company appointed a representative here, the advertising ban in Turkey was officially lifted. located on the wall According to the news, BTK said “Removal of the Decision Prohibiting Advertising on XThe following statements were included in the decision titled: “Formerly known as Twitter, Inc. which is X Corp. 19.07 due to the social network provider named (Twitter/X) fulfilling its obligation to determine and notify a representative set out in the first paragraph of the additional article 4 of the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications, dated 04.05.2007. “It has been decided to lift the advertising ban decision numbered 39225, dated 2023.” As you know, the platform owned by Elon Musk has been in a major transformation for months and It continues to be at the center of getting news. In many countries, including Türkiye, the agenda is set directly on X, and many criminals are caught thanks to the platform.

