“It took the air out of the team” – the NHL star made a promise about Leijon

It took the air out of the team the

Finland’s star striker Mikko Rantanen lamented the ineffectiveness of the scoring. According to Rantanen, Canada’s second goal was a hard blow to Leijon.

TAMPERE. Scoring. It was sad Mikko from Ranta after the quarter-final loss.

Finland succeeded only once, when Canada progressed to the semi-finals with a score of 4–1.

– There were places again. When it was 1-0 to Canada, there were any number of opportunities to equalize. I would have been in the lead if someone had done it, Rantanen lamented to Urheilu.

– But then the opponent got one pass and a goal, 2–0. It took the air out of the team a bit, even though we psyched ourselves up, tried and fought. Everything was at stake.

Rantanen went to get the world championship at home. That’s why the loss hurts a lot.

– I should have won to be able to fight for the medals. It wasn’t possible to do it, so of course it’s sad.

– That’s exactly why I came here. To get along. Not because of personal things, but to get by as a team, Rantanen emphasized.

During the tournament, was it frustrating that the efficiency of the chain and your own efficiency were left behind?

– Of course, it’s at least frustrating now. Of course, during the tournament, always draw through the posi and the next game in mind.

– It’s really frustrating that we didn’t get the last step. We fought well, but a good fight does not win world championships.

With great desire to Leijon

The 26-year-old Rantanen was participating in the World Championships for the fourth time. However, he saw a small silver lining in his situation.

– It’s sad, but luckily I’m still young. If there were opportunities in the future, Rantanen said.

How much would you like to join the Leijoni’s value competition team in the future if the invitation goes through and the situation comes to an end?

– With great desire. Yes, there is still a lot of interest here in winning the world championship.

– Even though players change in Finland, there is always a good chance to succeed. If I can stay healthy, I will come here long enough to win the world championship.

“Rantanen dominates”

Canada’s head coach Andre Tourigny especially the defender thanked after the victory Jake Middleton stake. Canada had a turnover advantage in the quarterfinals, and the maple jerseys coaching often put Middleton on the ice against Mikko Rantas.

– Number 96 (Rantanen) is one of the best players in the world. Definitely in the top five. We paid attention to him. Middleton did a great job against him and was physical. Every time Middleton wasn’t on the ice, Rantanen dominated.

In Canada’s camp, the victory over Finland warmed up because last year’s final loss was underneath. Tourigny served as co-pilot at the time, as well as at the 2021 Games in Latvia, when Canada beat the Lions in the final.

– Patience is really important against Finland. This was now my third time against Finland in the playoffs and the first time I didn’t go to overtime. In these games, one bounce, one post or the like can decide, so you have to be calm, Tourigny explained the tactical setup.

Coaching knew the ways of Finland

Canada didn’t have any of the same players as a year ago, but Tourigny and assistant coach DJ Smith gave the team the right instructions to defeat Finland.

– Here at the World Cup, a different puck is played than in the NHL. Neither better nor worse, but different. It was important that we had knowledge and know-how about what works here in the coaching. Finland is of course one of the leading countries when it comes to defense.
