“It threatens sexual health” Scientific study revealed: This problem seen in the mouth causes erection problems!

1736160435 It threatens sexual health Scientific study revealed This problem seen

Prof. Dr. Birkan Özkan said that chronic periodontitis, one of the gum diseases, can negatively affect all systems of the body. Birkan Özkan made important statements about the effects and solutions of this disease on oral health, sexual life and psychology.


Stating that gum disease threatens sexual health, Prof. Dr. Birkan Özkan said, “Recent scientific studies have revealed that there is a strong relationship between gum disease called chronic periodontitis (gum recession) and erection problems. Periodontitis creates inflammation in the mouth, gums and jawbone, and starts a chain of infection that spreads throughout the body.” This chain of infection can affect blood vessels, impairing erection health, and as the severity and severity of gum disease increases, erectile dysfunction becomes more pronounced.

bleeding gums tartar

According to the latest updated scientific study conducted in June 2024, nitric oxide has been reported to be a critical component in achieving erection. Therefore, periodontitis, that is, advanced gum disease, can prevent the production of nitric oxide by creating an infection in the body. The production of nitric oxide, which is effective in providing erection, is prevented and therefore causes erection problems. Gum diseases can negatively affect sexual life as well as cardiovascular health. The relationship between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis is directly linked to erectile dysfunction. According to the latest scientific studies, they stated that gum diseases increase erection problems three times more. “The effects of periodontitis on sexual health are not limited to erection problems alone,” he said.


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Listing the symptoms of gum disease, Prof. Dr. Özkan said, “It shows that gum disease can lead to more serious problems. Bad breath, chronic periodontitis infections can cause bad breath that does not go away. Swelling and bleeding in the gums, inflammation in the gums, causes swelling and red gums and bleeding gums. During brushing Even gum bleeding, tartar and plaque formation, periodontitis disease is seen to form dense tartar and plaque on the visible surfaces of the teeth, as well as dense tartar and plaque in invisible areas under the gums. As the gum disease progresses, the gums begin to recede, causing tooth roots to appear and sensitivity to the teeth.

dental tartar

Teeth become weak during chewing, and as periodontitis disease progresses, melting occurs in the jaw bone that holds the teeth. Therefore, weakness occurs in chewing and the risk of tooth loss increases. Due to loosening or spacing of teeth and periodontitis, the jaw bone around the teeth melts and the teeth begin to loosen themselves. At this stage, the teeth are spaced and their shaking increases. Diagnosis at an early age: Periodontitis disease occurs between the ages of 25-35 and can be diagnosed early with detailed clinical examination and radiographic examination. Ignoring these symptoms threatens not only gum health, but also sexual life, oral and dental health and general health. “As a result, it reduces the person’s quality of life, both physically and psychologically,” he said.



Referring to the importance of early diagnosis, Prof. Dr. Birkan Özkan said, “Periodontitis can be taken under control thanks to early diagnosis, personalized treatment methods and regular dental care. Thanks to early diagnosis, it is possible to solve it with detailed treatment. In the treatment, it is necessary to handle it comprehensively and in detail because it involves many procedures related to teeth, gums and jawbone. In periodontitis, although the content of treatment varies depending on the severity of gum disease, it is frequently and sequentially including scaling and polishing, removal of hidden stones under the gums (subgingival curettage), removal of bad tissues on the tooth root surfaces (root). Surface flattening), detailed surgical removal of bad tissues under the gums (open or closed surgical curettage) options will need to be applied.


Permanent periodontitis treatment can be achieved by performing gum disease operation options in detail. Additionally, attention should be paid to the person’s general health and lifestyle during the treatment process. “Smoking, irregular oral care, choosing oral care products such as brushes and pastes, and unhealthy eating habits may pave the way for the progression of this disease.”



Prof. Dr. Birkan Özkan also pointed out the importance of oral care and said, “Gum diseases affect not only the health of teeth, mouth, jaw and jawbone, but also the health of the whole body. Periodontitis gum disease can lead to tooth loss, disrupt sexual health and cause psychological problems. This Therefore, permanent perodontitis treatment can be achieved through early diagnosis, personalized gum treatment and surgery, and proper regular oral care. A healthy mouth is the first step to a healthy life. ” he said.

