‘It stays alive for weeks’ The new danger turned out to be very scary! Permanent visual impairment

It stays alive for weeks The new danger turned out

With the cooling of the weather recently, there is almost no house left without disease. While citizens complain of diseases such as flu and respiratory tract infections, there is an increase in cases. In particular, experts made an important warning about adenovirus infection, which has symptoms similar to the common cold. While drawing attention to the serious danger of the epidemic, what should be done to prevent it was also listed. According to the latest information, adenovirus, whose cases are increasing rapidly, can cause permanent visual impairment. Here are the details…


Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Şükran Evren Kaplan said, “Adenovirus can cause conjunctivitis in the eyes. It is estimated that around 20-30 million people worldwide are diagnosed with adenovirus-associated conjunctivitis each year. Conjunctivitis, which is also known as red eye disease among the people, manifests itself in the form of eye inflammation, can cause serious damage to the eye.


Emphasizing that the cases of conjunctivitis due to the adenovirus epidemic, which has become widespread recently, have increased significantly and the rate of spread is higher in children, Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Şükran Evren Kaplan used the following statements:

“Eye infections caused by adenoviruses are highly contagious. It is transmitted by inhalation and contact. The rate of transmission is high in environments where hygiene is not observed, public transportation, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and nursing homes for the elderly. The rate of spread is higher especially in younger age groups such as kindergartens and kindergartens. Lens solution etc. on various floors and solutions. they can remain stable for a long time. Due to their resistance to physical and chemical factors, they maintain their infecting properties for a long time and carry the risk of spreading. Adenoviruses can maintain their viability for weeks at room temperature.”


Referring to the factors in preventing the spread of infection, Emsey Hospital Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Şükran Evren Kaplan continued his words as follows:

“The most important factor is to take hygienic measures. The room where the infected person is located should be ventilated frequently, hands should be washed frequently, infected surfaces should be disinfected, especially the towels that come into contact with the face should be used individually, even disposable if possible, and kitchen utensils such as cups should not be used together.



Expressing that the symptoms of adenoviral conjunctivitis may vary according to the type of disease, Kaplan added:

“Patients can apply with complaints such as severe redness, itching, pain, watering, burring in the eyes, sensitivity to light, inflammation of the eyelashes and swelling of the eyelids. But the most common and well-known symptom is redness of the whites of the eyes. This redness, which is usually seen due to inflammation, is experienced due to swelling of the eye vessels and subsequent edema. Doctor’s intervention is of great importance to prevent permanent damage to the eye.


Saying that the treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis is determined according to the factor that causes the infection in the eye, Op. Dr. Şükran Evren Kaplan explained the importance of early diagnosis and said, “Viral conjunctivitis, bacterial conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis are the main types of the disease. While determining the treatment, a treatment is arranged by looking at these types. There is no specific treatment for viral conjunctivitis. It is usually passed with mild complaints. Pomade, eye drops and cold compresses are recommended to patients. In cases of bacterial conjunctivitis, antibiotic-containing drops and pomades are used for the infection to pass. If drops and ointments are used regularly for a week, patients recover in less than two weeks and the contagiousness of the disease decreases. In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, the cause of the disease is determined first. Then, eye drops and anti-allergy medications are used to alleviate and eliminate symptoms. When conjunctivitis is treated, it can heal without causing damage to the eye, but if treatment is delayed, it can cause serious damage to the eye. (DHA)
