It starts in the mouth and goes down to the heart through blood: If precautions are not taken, it increases the risk of heart attack! Watch out for 8 symptoms

It starts in the mouth and goes down to the

Prof. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, periodontitis disease is common in the world and affects 10 percent of the world’s population, he said. Emphasizing that periodontitis is considered to be the most common 6th disease, Özkan said that the latest scientific studies carried out in 2024 have 500 different microorganisms in the mouth and this situation external He said that it creates a direct connection between meat diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Heart disease and risk of paralysis

In a comprehensive analysis in which 41 different studies were evaluated, the risk of heart disease in individuals with gum disease increased by 2.2 to 4.42 percent, and the risk of paralysis was 1.4 to 2.88 percent higher.

It causes serious health problems

Prof. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, an advanced gum disease periodontitis, causing cardiovascular disease, said that it took place through several different mechanisms.

Prof. Dr. Ozkan, “Bacteria mixture into the bloodstream, inflammation of the gums, can cause bacteria in the mouth of the blood circulation. Especially Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerrella Forsythia bacteria such as bacteria, heart vessels, inflammation and atherosclerosis (vascular stiffness) can increase the risk of heart attack or paralysis.


Excessive reaction of the immune system, periodontal disease, causes chronic inflammation by continuously triggering the body’s immune system. This can accelerate vascular hardening and cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and heart failure.

Increased insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, inflammatory cytokine, TNF alpha, Il-1beta causes the increase in bacteria, which decreases, the immune system decreases, insulin resistance increases and cardiovascular hardness and cardiovascular hardness and cardioontitis are triggered. It has been observed that the risk of heart disease is higher in individuals with tooth loss and heart health, gingival withdrawal, jaw bone melting and tooth loss. Gingival loss can adversely affect metabolism and circulatory system by causing nutritional imbalances. “

Watch out for 8 symptoms

Bad breath2

8 Emphasizing that care should be taken against the symptoms. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, “Continuous gum bleeding, swelling of the gums, redness and bruise, gingival drawing, bad breath, swing in the teeth, frequent stone and plaque formation, chewing, teeth and jawbone weakness, increased intervals between teeth. Even if there is, you can consult a dentist, periodontologist or jaw surgeon without wasting time, “he warned.

“It protects not only teeth but the whole body”

Prof. Dr. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, “Oral and dental health protects not only the teeth, the whole body protects the whole body. Early diagnosis of periodontitis with advanced gum disease needs to be managed very precisely. It should be removed from the mouth of a very detailed oral tissues.

dental operations

Initial treatment can be called the initial treatment of periodontitis by treatments such as initial treatment, dental cleaning, removal of hidden tooth stones under the gingival and root surface straightening. Surgical treatments can be treated with open or closed surgical curettage operation of poor inflammatory tissues adhering to the gums, jaw bone and tooth root surfaces and tooth root surfaces after initial treatment.

With these operations, jaw bone resorption can be stopped, gingivitis may end and tooth loss can be prevented. Advanced surgical treatments, gingival health, dental protection and jaw bone resolve after stopping the jaw bone strengthening and re -old gingival to restore, directed tissue regeneration (GTR) or directed bone regeneration (GBR) operation can be performed. “He said.

“May threaten your life”

heart attack fainting

Finally, Prof. Dr. Birkan Taha Ozkan, “Many of us are afraid of heart attack, we take care of healthy eating and sports, but we do not give enough importance to our oral and dental health. However, the mouth is the entrance gate of the body. An infection in the mouth can reach your heart through blood and threaten your life. Healthy teeth, healthy teeth. The gum and the jaw bone means not only a beautiful smile, but also a healthy heart, “he said.

