IT security, Olidata presents new made in Italy appliance against hacker attacks

IT security Olidata presents new made in Italy appliance against

(Finance) – The “new” Olidataa year and a half after being readmitted to the stock exchange, continues to achieve important goals and returns to production proprietary technology Made in Italy after several years. A significant result for the Group, which was the protagonist of the first IT wave in Italy at the beginning of the 1980s and today is confronted with new scenarios in the IT world. Strong focus on Intelligence Artificial, Big Data And CyberSecurityto guide the digital transition to which Italy is called.

For this reason, the Group has developed a new product designed to protect the entire country system, from the large industrial players to the PA. A technology developed entirely in Italy, with servers located in our country so as not to waste data data sensitive: designed with the latest artificial intelligence models, the Olidata solution guarantees real-time security of critical and distributed infrastructures, as well as constant monitoring of hacker channels. It will be possible to quickly share information on threats detected on the network, protecting live all the offices of the organization under attack (both the central one and the peripheral ones, distributing the crucial information to all protection systems to automatically block the attack).

“An ideal national technology for large organizations such as the Public Administration or large corporate entities. A unique model in Italy, designed to network and protect the entire country from increasingly frequent and sophisticated cyber threats, guaranteeing partnership and integration with the main international solutions”, commented the President of Olidata, Christian Rufiniduring today’s presentation of the new product in Rome.

This application, in fact, will allow you to Do net among all the actors who adopt it: all information will be shared on the spot with all the organizations that install it, thus transmitting all the information necessary to block any future intrusion attempts. From this sharing, avirtuous alliance for Italy. A technology that will allow the analysis of the dark web and deep web 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, as well as messaging channels often used by cybercriminal organisations. In this way, thanks to models of machine learning expressly trained, it will be possible to constantly verify whether hacker organizations are planning attacks or disclosing sensitive information for illicit uses.

Necessary tools and methodologies of action, in light of the exponential growth of attacks: in fact, Italy’s exposure to threats ITlast year alone there was a +65% increase compared to the previous year, with over 55% of attacks causing consequences classified as critical or high.

“We continue to invest because we believe that a push towards the digitalisation of the country is necessary. Great opportunities for Italy can arise from public-private collaboration. We have invested and will continue to invest in the development of AI and cybersecurity products, we have won important orders and the market is rewarding our work. We closed 2023 with over 100 million in revenues, the shareholders have confidence in us. We want to continue to grow, generating value in Italy and for Italy. We are continuing our hiring process. in the last two years around 80 new hires which have brought our Group to 250 employees. But we won’t stop here, we carefully look at every opportunity coming from the market, with an eye also abroad”, states the CEO of Olidata, Claudia Square.
