It results in a fine of up to 40,000

It results in a fine of up to 40000

As we move towards darker times in autumn and later the onset of winter, there is also the risk of slippery road conditions which in turn can cause accidents, especially if animals are on the road.

According to the County Administrative Board, a wildlife accident occurs every eight minutes in Sweden. This results in 62,000 accidents every year.

Due to the high number of accidents, the police recently went out and urged all road users to be careful as we move towards darker times.

“Now the evenings and mornings are getting darker. Adjust driving according to conditions such as the prevailing visibility. Take game warning signs seriously and be especially alert during dawn and dusk”.

READ MORE: Police call to everyone – you have to: ‘Seriously’

Trafikverket: “Be attentive and drive carefully”

Although the risk of encountering, and in the worst case, colliding with game, exists all year round for road users, regardless of the season, you should take care and keep your attention on driving.

With the imminent risk, the Swedish Transport Administration has issued a sharp call to everyone who is on the Swedish roads.

Pay attention and drive carefully, you can meet them anywhere and anytime. Be especially careful at dawn and dusk,” they write on their homepage.

Should you be involved in an accident, there are some important things you need to know. When animals, both wild and domestic, are hit, you must call 112 and report the accident.

Should you not do this, you are breaking the law and may be punished for it.

READ MORE: 500,000 Swedes break the law – every day

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The number of wildlife accidents in Sweden 2021-2023

  • Deer: 140,165, an increase of 24 percent compared to 2015-2017.
  • Wild boar: 16,223, an increase of 18 percent compared to 2015-2017.
  • Fallow deer: 14,768, an increase of 63 percent compared to 2015-2017.
  • Red deer: 1,250, an increase of 28 percent compared to 2015-2017.
  • Moose: 15,739, a decrease of 6 percent compared to 2015-2017.
  • Source: If försäkringar

    Wildlife accident? Then you are breaking the law

    The police in turn informs what applies and what can happen if you do not report the accident. On their website, they explain what type of crime is committed if an accident is not reported.

    “Not notifying the Police Authority in the event of a game accident is punishable and is classified as a crime according to the Hunting Ordinance and can result in daily fines. You also need to notify if you have run over a reindeer, even if reindeer are not considered game,” they write on the website.

    In turn, the Swedish Transport Administration explains, in the call they issued, exactly what you should do in the event that you are involved in a wildlife accident.

  • When animals, both wild and domestic, are hit, you have to always call 112 and report it. Otherwise, you commit an illegal act and can be sentenced accordingly.
  • Place a warning triangle and mark the accident site. It helps hunters and search dogs to find the location.
  • The marking strip must be hung on the side of the road where the game disappeared. If the animal is dead, that place must be marked.
  • All cars should be equipped with a wildcat crash strip. It can be collected free of charge from both the police, the car inspection and the Swedish Transport Administration’s office.
  • According to the agreement the Swedish Transport Administration procured with various contractors around the country, animals within the state road network must be taken care of within 1-2 hours after they die as a result of a traffic accident. In some cases, it may take longer if the accident occurred in a hard-to-reach location.

    DON’T MISS: Police appeal: Asking the public for help

    Photo: Leif R Jansson/TT Then you can be sentenced to a fine of SEK 40,000

    There are examples of very high fines issued for offenses against the Hunting Act.

    In 2020, a man was sentenced, according to the site We Car Ownersto a fine of SEK 10,000 after waiting five days to report the accident.

    According to Swedish Hunting another person was sentenced as late as summer 2024 to SEK 24,000 in daily fines when the person waited a day to report the accident.

    According to the hunting site, the standard penalty is 40 daily fines. The amount is set from SEK 50 up to and including SEK 1,000.

    This means that, in the worst case scenario, you can be sentenced to pay up to SEK 40,000 in fines if you do not report the accident when it occurs.

    READ MORE: Motorists are warned of the serious danger – 50 percent increase
