Undesirable appearances on the teeth create problems not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of health. The sticky and soft bacterial layers that adhere to the teeth, gums or dentures are called dental plaque. These plaques harden by combining with the minerals in the saliva and form a layer called tartar. Tartar can form due to reasons such as accumulation of food residue on the teeth, bacteria, genetics, and lack of brushing.
Looking for easy ways to clean dental tartar. There is no need to spend a lot of money to clean the dental tartar. It is quite easy to clean tooth tartar with the simple natural method that can be done at every home.
Put a small tomato and strawberry in a blender and make a paste. Apply this mixture on your teeth and wait for 5 minutes. Then rinse your mouth. Strawberries and tomatoes will kill bacteria in the mouth and destroy tartar. You can apply this process 2 times a week.
Melt some coconut oil until it liquefies and use it as a mouthwash to remove bacteria from your mouth.
Rub the peel directly on your teeth and leave it for like a few minutes. Then rinse with water. The shells will kill the microorganisms in the mouth. Or peel a few oranges, put them in a blender and make a paste. Leave this paste on the teeth for 1-2 minutes and rinse. This method can also be used to whiten yellowed teeth.
Because of its acidic content, lemon juice helps dissolve plaque and tartar. Mix some lemon juice and peppermint oil and use the mixture to rinse your mouth thoroughly.