It reached a record level in the country, they changed that statement in the report! “Cannot be explained by simple increment”

It reached a record level in the country they changed

The number of Canadians aged 100 and over rose from 1,065 in 1971 to 9,545 in the 2021 census, according to the latest data released by Statistics Canada. According to the agency’s data, 7,715 of 9,545 Canadians with a century-old lifespan are women.

In the statement of the institution, it was noted that the increase cannot be explained by simple population growth, in 1971 only 4.9 out of every 100 thousand Canadians were 100 years old or older, and in 2021 this rate increased to 25.8 per 100 thousand.


In 2016, the number of people aged 65 and over was 96,000 more than the group of children aged 15 and under, while this figure exceeded one million in 2021, just five years later.

In the next 20 years, Canada’s elderly population aged 65 and over is predicted to increase by 68 percent, and the number of people in this age group is estimated to reach 10.4 million in 2037.

According to the data, 19 percent of Canada’s population is 65 years or older. Another 22 percent of the population is in the 55 to 64 age group, where people are preparing to retire.


Noting that the latest data of the institution has changed the expression ‘Canadian society is aging’, experts agree that it would be more accurate to say ‘Canadian society has aged’ instead.

Canada has a very low fertility rate, according to agency data. The number of children at 1.4 per woman is well below the replacement rate of 2.1 needed to keep the population stable.

Stating that immigration from abroad can help to close the baby gap and compensate for the emerging social aging, but cannot reverse it, it was noted that the population of the country was 36 million 991 thousand 981 in the 2021 census. (AA)
