It prevents cancer, removes inflammation, relieves constipation, perfects the skin… Full of vitamins A, C and E!

It prevents cancer removes inflammation relieves constipation perfects the skin

Papaya is a fruit full of vitamins and minerals. The papaya fruit, which Christopher Columbus called the ‘fruit of the angels’, grows in tropical climates. Papaya, which has numerous benefits for human health, is almost a natural medicine.


Papaya, which is one-to-one for intestinal problems, is a complete healing store. You can protect your health in the long run with a papaya you will add to your daily nutrition list. You can eat papaya in the morning, at noon or in the evening, in short, whenever you want.

It is popular in many countries and is often consumed for breakfast. It is also used in salads, desserts, juices, confectionery. In its immature state, it can be cooked like zucchini. It strengthens your health with the vitamins in papaya.

  • Papaya is packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber as well as many antioxidants.
  • It helps regulate bowel function and improves irritable bowel syndrome. It provides relief from irregular bowel movements. It prevents constipation.
  • It prevents cancer and removes inflammation.
  • It keeps blood sugar in balance.
  • Vitamins E & C and lycopene content support skin health by protecting against skin damage and improving skin tone.


Unripe papaya contains high amounts of latex, which can stimulate uterine contractions, especially in early pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid it in its raw form.
