It must put the chip in the ear: the index to recognize a false canvassing at home

It must put the chip in the ear the index

In an instant, you can know whether or not it is a professional.

When a person knocks on your door by presenting himself as a professional, hard to know if you can really trust him. And for good reason, it can be a false seller, an unscrupulous craftsman or even a crook seeking to get you down to obtain personal information. The proof, in the media, many affairs involving false seasters often make the headlines.

Some even use sneaky techniques to buy, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the elderly or isolated. Without vigilance, you can therefore quickly sign an order form or disclose sensitive data. This is why it is essential to know how to identify the signs of false canvassing at home. Besides, one of them never deceives. Indeed, everyone does not know, but canvassing at home is supervised by law in order to protect consumers. In France, it is subject to the consumer code, which imposes several rules on door-to-door sellers, one of which concerns the products they sell.

For example, they are forbidden to sell certain products, such as health services, foodstuffs, gambling or even financial products such as savings plans and insurance, specifies the site of the Ministry of the Economy. So, if someone tries to sell you one of these items, there is no doubt: this is a false driver. You can spot it right away! And it is not the only clue that must put the chip in your ear …

Most cities and municipalities supervise canvassing at home, in particular by fixing permitted days and hours of visit. In general, sellers cannot go to your home until Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., or even 6 p.m. depending on the municipalities. By having these time slots in mind, if a seller presents himself at home outside of these slots, beware, it can be as suspicious as the type of goods they are trying to sell.
