It makes it easier to go to the toilet, prevents cramps, gives energy… Consume two a day

1660387423 It makes it easier to go to the toilet prevents

Banana is a fruit that is at the forefront with its potassium content. It is beneficial to consume bananas, which are also high in sugar, in a balanced way. If you are a sports person, you will feel the benefits of banana in a very short time. Here’s what happens to your body if you eat two bananas every day.


The carbohydrates in bananas will give you more energy because the energy is absorbed slowly over time. In contrast, granulated sugar-sweetened snacks give you a burst of energy initially, but that energy quickly wears off.


Have you ever woken up with cramping pain in the middle of the night? You can prevent this from happening by eating bananas. They contain high levels of potassium, which ensures that your muscles do not contract as quickly.

Prevents Heartburn

Do you often suffer from heartburn? Then banana is your best friend. A banana eaten at the onset of heartburn will provide instant relief by neutralizing the acid in your stomach.



Do you have iron deficiency? You can fix this by eating a banana. Banana is rich in iron and promotes an increase in red blood cells.

It activates the guts

If you have trouble going to the toilet, you can try eating a banana. Bananas, which are rich in fiber, can make it easier for you to go to the toilet.
