It lowers the risk of heart attack! use it regularly

It lowers the risk of heart attack use it regularly

One of the main causes of heart attacks is cooking oil used in cooking. Cooking oil determines how much fat will accumulate in the heart and arteries. If you want to minimize the risk of heart attack, you should be very careful with the oils you use.

Too much heating of the oil when we cook it can be harmful to health. When cooking oils are exposed to very high temperatures, beneficial nutrients are destroyed. This causes heart diseases to be triggered.


Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E, which comes with many health benefits for health. However, it is recommended not to use sunflower oil at too much heat.



Soybean oil is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. This oil helps to reduce the layers of fat accumulation in the body. It also helps boost cardiovascular health.



Olive oil contains vitamin B complex and other nutrients that are good for the heart. However, it should be remembered that only refined or pure olive oil can be used for cooking. Extra virgin olive oil should be consumed separately.


canola oil

Canola oil helps lower the body’s cholesterol levels, which helps reduce the risk of heart attack.



Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin K, which are good for the heart. This oil also helps to control blood pressure, thus keeping heart diseases at bay.
