“It is up to the political groups to say in complete transparency” how far they will go

It is up to the political groups to say in

After consulting the country’s political forces, Emmanuel Macron spoke. The Head of State spoke for the first time, this Wednesday, June 22, 2022, since the legislative elections which deprived his camp of an absolute majority in the Assembly. He ruled out the possibility of a government of national unity.

Before leaving for Brussels, the first stage of a series of major international meetings, the President of the Republic called on the French political parties on Wednesday to ” say how far they are willing to go to build new compromises.

Mr. Macron, whose troops have lost an absolute majority in the Assembly, has ruled out the option of a government of national unity. It will be necessary to build compromises, enrichments, amendments, but to do so in full open-air transparency “, he explained.

The Head of State places himself in a desire for union and action for the nation which concerns all political forces “. “Many have expressed their availability” on specific themes, he noted. And to add that he believes ” possible “to find a majority” wider and clearer “.

It will be necessary to clarify in the coming days the share of responsibility and cooperation that the various formations of the National Assembly are ready to take: enter into a coalition of government and action? Commit to simply vote on certain texts? Our budget? Which ?

To make useful progress, it is now up to the political groups to say in complete transparency how far they are prepared to go “, concluded Emmanuel Macron, who must go to Brussels this Thursday, the first stage of a very busy tour, as is the calendar of the French Parliament.

Listen again

Speech by Emmanuel Macron on June 22, 2022 – special edition

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