Your machine ishes your clothes every week. However, it is not that clean as you think … especially in this specific location.
If the washing machine is used to wash your clothes, this does not mean that your device is clean. On the contrary, some places can be real bacteria nests, and few people think of cleaning them. However, manufacturers of household appliances are formal, if you want your laundry to come out clean and odorless, but also if you want to extend the life of your washing machine, you have to go through the maintenance box.
Many believe that only the maintenance of the filter is necessary. It is a received idea. Ying Cai, gem product and marketing manager at TCL explains to us that for a washing machine to be effective, you have to think about cleaning the drum joint after each washing. He “accumulates humidity, dirt and bacteria” she tells us. For maintenance, nothing complicated, “a cloth after each washing” advises us the expert, this “makes it possible to avoid mold and bad odors”. But another place is much worse.

The area that is certainly the dirtiest in the washing machine and that no one cleans is the laundry tank. A real “residue and mold nest” confirms Ying Cai. However, it takes less than a minute to clean it, “a simple regular rinsing is enough to avoid bad smells and laundry deposits” tells us the expert. In case of big dirt, if you have never cleaned it, you can use white vinegar and an old toothbrush to go in corners.
To clean the laundry drawer, you must absolutely remove it, otherwise you will not be able to reach all dirt and mold. It is not worth forcing if the drawer does not come. Most washing machines are equipped with a small button that will allow you to remove it easily. It is generally located in the laundry tank. So you can easily clean the drawer. Also remember to rub inside, behind the drawer with a cloth soaked in white vinegar.
Ying Cai still gives us some tips for maintaining your device:
- “Leave the door of the machine open between cycles to avoid bad odors and the formation of mold”;
- “Clean the filter every 4 to 6 weeks”;
- Remember to clean the machine drum using the dedicated program, or simply by launching an empty cycle at 60 or 90 degrees, with “a high spin speed to effectively clean the drum by running this program”.