It is THE vegetable that aids digestion, it reduces gas and bloating

It is THE vegetable that aids digestion it reduces gas

Count on this vegetable to support your gastrointestinal system.

We know that vegetables are good for your health and that you should include them in every meal. And there is no shortage of choice. Among all those available on the shelves, there is one that we too often forget. However, it is rich in fiber which stimulates intestinal transit, giving it excellent properties for digestion. “If you have already eaten too much, adding a food to the food bowl is not useful, even a healthy food. You risk aggravating your intestinal discomfort, by making an already difficult digestion heavier. In this case, the best is simply to ‘give your digestive system a little rest’ reminds us of Sophie Pihan, naturopath.

Before the meal, you can add the famous vegetable which helps with digestion.especially if eaten raw in salad form. Starting a meal with raw vegetables stimulates digestive enzymes, explains our naturopath. These enzymes prepare the work of digestion and intestinal transit by promoting salivary and gastric secretions and intestinal motility. In practice, any salad or raw vegetable will be useful before a hearty meal, depending on each person’s digestive capacity.

If you are dining in a small group or you have time, you can also prepare verrines with a carpaccio of this anise-flavored vegetable that you may have discovered? It’s fennel. This vegetable, when raw, goes perfectly with slivered almonds, smoked wild salmon and orange. You can also eat fennel in salad, sprinkled with a squeeze of lemon. It goes perfectly with a few chopped mint leaves, an aromatic herb which also promotes digestion.

“If you prefer to eat it at the end of the meal, I advise you to consume it in the form of herbal tea. The carminative properties of fennel (in the form of seeds) allow you to absorb excess air and gas , created when digesting a large meal. This will reduce the risk of intestinal gas and bloating. You can also scatter a few fennel seeds on a fresh fruit salad for dessert, which will also help digestion.
